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SPAM - Unsolicited E-mail

Insmart does not intentionally send unsolicited E-mails.

The insmart domain name sometimes gets used as the reply address for "spam" E-mails. The reply address for these E-mails have been specified as someone at our domain without our permission. The E-mails have not orignated from Insmart which can be determined by checking the IP address in the E-mail header information.

Sender Policy Framework
The Insmart domain name server now publishes sender identification which allows the source of our E-mails to be verified by E-mail servers that use Sender Policy Framework. Any E-mails that appear to come from insmart but fail sender identification are simply discarded as spam.

A large percentage of spam use random domain names for the return address and we encourage all E-mail systems to implement Sender Policy Framework to combat spam.

Official complaints about spam can be made on-line at the Australian Communications and Media Authority web site.

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